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A non-profit organization certified as a Social Assistance Charitable Entity (CEBAS), established on April 22, 1981, by the Congregation of the Sisters of Charity of Jesus. Its mission is to serve children, adolescents, and their families in situations of vulnerability and social risk, promoting comprehensive protection, the right to life, and the exercise of citizenship under conditions of freedom and dignity.

Aligned with the guiding principles of Social Coexistence, the Right to Be, and Participation, we aim to create opportunities for individuals to become proactive citizens capable of transforming their own reality and contributing to the legal fulfillment regarding the guarantee of rights and duties of children and adolescents.


  • SAICA LAR SANTO ANTONIO: The objective is to welcome children and adolescents whose personal, social, and family risk situations have led to the violation of their rights. In this way, the project works on protective and guarantee interventions, establishing methodological guidelines so that the service can fulfill its protective function and thus promote the strengthening of family and community bonds. SAICA is assigned the character of High Complexity Special Social Protection, with the goal of providing temporary and exceptional shelter for children and adolescents of both sexes, including those with disabilities, under protective measures (Article 98 of the Child and Adolescent Statute – ECA).

  • The SCFV serves as an instrument for socio-educational activities in a diversified manner, allowing its actions to be closely linked to character and concept formation, support for basic education, but primarily to the strengthening of bonds, encouragement of socialization, and community interaction. It also provides the necessary protection against social risks. To achieve this, educators are trained and committed to the institution’s objectives, but above all, to the well-being and comprehensive development of children and adolescents.