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Lar Batista De Criança is a non-profit social organization that serves children and adolescents in situations of risk, following the teachings of the Bible: “…faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by works, is dead.”

It’s a faith-driven project, with contributions from churches, individuals, corporations, non-governmental organizations, and through agreements with the Federal, State, and various Municipal governments. It serves over 1,300 children of both genders, aged 0 to 17 years and 11 months. More than just a motto, social responsibility for the Baptist Children’s Home represents the pursuit of a sustainable economic development model, where the actions of the private sector contribute to the socio-economic and cultural development of the communities in which they operate.

It embodies the business mindset that understands that it is not enough to simply grow in size and revenue; the environment in which it operates must also keep pace, providing a solid and balanced foundation for its future actions.

  • Vision: To be recognized as one of the best institutions in the Third Sector in the country in providing services to children and adolescents.

  • Mission: To shelter, protect, educate, empower, and care for children and adolescents in situations of need or bio-psycho-social-spiritual vulnerability, providing conditions for them to live in a family and develop a responsible role in society.

  • Values: Ethics, Excellence, Honesty, Transparency, Mutual Respect, and Recognition.