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A Fundação Criança promotes comprehensive healthcare for children and adolescents, primarily in the fields of clinical and surgical pediatrics and hematology-oncology. It is a private, non-profit institution that serves as the maintainer of the hospital. The ITACI hospital provides extensive support to patients and their families during treatment (hospitalization and outpatient care), offering moments of leisure, joy, warmth, increased self-esteem, through HUMANIZATION (themed parties, delivery of hygiene kits, clothes, toys, nutritional supplements, school supplies, recreation, and cultural activities).


        • AVOHC: The Association of Volunteers of the Hospital das Clínicas is better known as the “ladies in pink,” but it does not prevent men and young men from participating. AVOHC volunteers provide support and recreational activities for patients, especially in places like outpatient clinics and exam collection, with drawing tables, as well as for the companions of hospitalized patients, providing clothes and hygiene products for those who cannot afford them.
        • Youth Committee: The Youth Committee is composed of teenagers and young adults who primarily work with gamification for patients.

        • Viva e Deixe Viver Association: “Viva” is a Civil Society Organization of Public Interest (OSCIP) that trains and prepares volunteers to become storytellers in hospitals for children and teenagers in eight markets across the country. The main resources of the Viva e Deixe Viver Association currently include reading children’s books, games, the creativity, and good humor of its volunteers. Through cultural activities that stimulate the development of these children’s skills, the Association contributes to the humanization of the services intended for them, integrating sensitive conditions of communication and interaction with external reality into their daily lives.

        • Family Council: The Family Council deals directly with companions and conducts workshops such as embroidery, sustainability, and a library that lends books to both companions and staff.

        • Criarte: Criarte is a volunteer group developed by the Onco-Hematology Service of the ICr. Its objective is to develop creative recreational activities, arts, and crafts.
        • Therapy Dog: The Therapy Dog is a project of Animal-Assisted Therapy carried out by the Cão Terapeuta Institute. It involves not only volunteer dogs but also human volunteers who participate to accompany the visits and bring patients closer to the dogs.
        • Sacura Project: Grupo Saracura is an organization specialized in music applied to health care. With 15 years of experience, Saracura promotes humanization and the transformation of the care experience for patients, families, and employees through specialized musical interventions in hospital environments.

        • Alessandra’s Art Suitcase: The art suitcase is the newest group and was born from Alessandra’s desire to bring arts to children with cancer. Its main activity is to develop children’s creativity through “art suitcases” delivered to each child with a story or idea about the arts.

        • CARE: The Religious Assistance Committee consists of volunteers, not only priests or pastors, who work with religious approach for companions, patients, and employees seeking spiritual comfort.
        • English&Care: Bring your fluency and commitment and donate some of your time! Help our patients learn and socialize, teach English to children and adolescents in treatment. Contribute to their stimulation and motivation, practice your English, and be part of a “chain of goodness.”
        • DoaSom Project: If you can sing or play a musical instrument and would like to do volunteer work, bringing music and joy to patients and companions of the Instituto da Criança, sign up to participate in the DoaSom Project!

        • Clarear Project: Educators who want to share their knowledge with the children and adolescents of our hospital can join the Clarear project. The initiative aims to provide complementary educational assistance to patients hospitalized in the institution.
        • Crafts: Teach craft activities to companions and patients in our hospital. Share your talent here in our hospital!

        • Therapeutic Touch: Volunteers with experience in conducting breathing exercises and Reiki visit patient rooms to perform these practices, especially with family members accompanying them. The initiative aims to provide the release of physical and emotional tensions and improve the feeling of well-being during their stay at the institution.