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Instituto Dia Feliz aims to expand the horizon of digital education in the northeastern hinterlands through infrastructure and both distance and in-person teaching using new technologies and social media.

Through strategic partnerships with technology startups, educational entities, and companies, we aim to digitally provide education and income sources for the youth at our Instituto Dia Feliz, whether through remote smartphone learning or in-person classrooms with remote teachers through our platform.


        • Entrepreneurship Promotion: We are promoting entrepreneurship for microentrepreneurs in the region through partnerships with organizations like Sebrae and Exame Academy.

        • English and Portuguese Classes: We have an initial class of 7 students who receive remote English and Portuguese classes once a week.

        • School Reinforcement Project: We assist children with school reinforcement provided by one of our volunteers, serving a small group, starting with 20 children.

        • Food Donation: Over 12 tons of food have been delivered to our families. Deliveries are made in July and December every year.


          Jiu-Jitsu Project: We have a Jiu-Jitsu project in partnership with PRAJJ for 30 children and young people.


          Toy Donation: Every year at Christmas, we deliver about 1000 toys to all children registered with the institute.