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The Associação Cultural e Educacional Em Família brings much more than subsistence items; we bring about a transformation in the mindset aimed at structuring families. Structuring families means transforming society. Em Família: a place of peace, joy, and justice.

We believe that by transforming and structuring families, we will create a better and fairer society.

Our pillars are represented by the acronym CTIs, which stands for:

  • Caring for those in need.
  • Training people for volunteering.
  • Inspiring people to engage in social action and volunteering.
  • Serving as a reference for others to replicate our NGO model because we will have everything documented.

We serve 35 families with 72 children monthly, and we aim to reach 100 families with 200 children. The families we assist receive items related to food, hygiene, clothing, and, most importantly, activities for children that are necessary to build bonds with them.

We have an open community library with 1,000 books.

We offer extracurricular classes, dance classes for mothers, a course for expecting mothers, work related classes for the elderly, and temporary courses, such as music, first employment, cooking, aesthetics, and others focused on culture, professionalization, and entrepreneurship within the community.

We employ our unique methodology to foster a shift in the mindset and culture of the families and the community that visit our space, and this will be made available for everyone to access on our website and social media.

Join us because family is a place of peace, joy, and justice.