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Aliança da Misericórdia is a philanthropic Civil Society Organization (OSC) that was founded in the year 2000 in the city of São Paulo. Initially, its primary goal was to provide emergency and basic services to the homeless population in the city center, focusing on spiritual counseling and providing food.

Gradually, the Mercy Alliance expanded its services and, each year, created new projects with the capacity to address the needs of the extremely vulnerable population in São Paulo, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, Paraná, Ceará, and Amazonas.

The Mercy Alliance works to bring human dignity to every corner of the world. Its mission is to assist those in extreme vulnerability by combatting hunger, poverty, homelessness, and abandonment. The organization provides free education, support, and professionalization to all those it serves.


The activities and actions carried out have charitable, socio-educational, educational, sports, and cultural purposes, with the aim of nurturing the full development of individuals on a human, spiritual, and social level. The organization is present in 34 cities in Brazil, with its largest presence in the capital, São Paulo, where it has ten projects currently in operation.

        • Educational projects include Early Childhood Education Centers focused on children aged 0 to 5 years located in the Taipas and Campos Elísios neighborhoods;
        • Assistance is provided through the Family Social Assistance and Basic Home Protection Service, reaching approximately 1,213 families in the year 2021;
        • The Community Center for People Experiencing Homelessness – Casa Restaura-me in the Brás neighborhood serves more than 530 individuals each day;
        • The Children and Adolescent Centers serve children and adolescents aged 6 to 14 years and 11 months, located in Taipas and Sítio Botuquara;
        • There are four Foster Homes aimed at welcoming children and adolescents aged 0 to 17 years, promoting family and community interaction, and striving to enhance the autonomy of adolescents. These homes provide full care for 40 children and adolescents.
        • In the interior of São Paulo, the projects are focused on the Screening, Reception, and Reintegration Houses for adults and the elderly (both men and women) experiencing homelessness and/or drug addiction. These projects are located in Piracicaba, São José dos Campos, Tremembé, and Rio das Pedras, promoting occupational therapy, social interaction, and social reintegration activities.
        • The City of Rahamim is located within the municipality of Salto in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. It is designed to be a fully sustainable city that provides housing for adults, whether they are in the process of social reintegration or not, as well as families in situations of extreme vulnerability. The work is carried out with the assistance of both public and private partnerships, sporadic donations, contributing members, and volunteers. All of these efforts are part of a networked approach where each contribution enables the transformation and rescue of many lives.