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Associação Civil Gaudium et Spes is a non-profit, linked to the Pastoral do Menor of the Episcopal Region of Lapa, in the Archdiocese of São Paulo. It emerged in 1982 with the guide of Dom Alfredo Novak and goal to assist children, adolescents and families in situations of vulnerability, abandonment, violence and social and personal risk.

The Association took as its name a document of the Magisterium of the Church entitled Gaudium et Spes (Vatican Council II) which means joy and hope and establishes the way in which the Church relates to the world.

It has as reference the Holy Scriptures, the directives and guidelines of the Church, in addition to the Brazilian legal norms (Federal Constitution, Statute of the Child and Adolescent, Law of Guidelines and Bases of Education, among others).

The Association aims to offer children and adolescents alternatives for developing their potential and guaranteeing full protection and healthy human coexistence through the promotion of solidarity, the rescue of personal dignity, responsibility, autonomy and ethical and humanitarian values. aimed at the common good, focusing on the formulation of public and social policies consistent with the pedagogical assumption of protagonism and personal and social commitment.

These actions are present in the programs and projects developed by the Association in partnership with public and private entities.