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It was created in 1984 by Maria Aparecida da Silva, Dona Cida or Cida as she is called, in the Olavo Costa neighborhood, southeast of Juiz de Fora. Mão Amiga was born from the collective effort of Dona Cida and other residents of Olavo Costa, who mobilized to help needy families in the region, carrying out assistance work, such as: donation of food, clothes and medicine, the society also develops cultural activities and professional courses. Currently, the institution, according to Municipal Law nº 9527, is considered a municipal public utility.

The history of Dona Cida and the institution are intertwined. When she was still married to her first husband, they lived in an extremely poor house, and one day of heavy rain, the house was destroyed and the furniture buried, with nowhere to go, with the help of people from the community, who later became their collaborators.


        • Collection of School Materials: First campaign of the year, in which they collect a variety of items such as notebooks, pencils, erasers, pencil cases, backpacks, and others. The goal is to help school-age children who are assisted by Mão Amiga. Children only receive donations if they are approved in the school grade and after presenting the report card with the grades. In this way, they always seek to encourage interest in studies and discipline at school; 
        • Winter Campaign: One of the biggest campaigns ever carried out and which also allows reaching more people. They collect winter clothes and accessories in general: coats, scarves, blankets, pants, socks and hats. In the Winter Campaign, they distribute collection points around the city and carry out a Solidarity Toll to help with the collection; 
        • Milk Collection: Campaign without a defined date, in which they work on it all year round since the stock is small and the demand is high. It is an extremely important action for the institution, as it guarantees that children will have essential and basic food for their life and development; 
        • Christmas Campaign: Focused on collecting perishable food to assemble basic need kits and distribute them to the families they serve. At that time, they also carried out the Solidarity Toll. All money earned is converted into food. They also accept donations of toys that are given to the children by Santa Claus during the Christmas party.