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It was born in October 1977 by Rosicler Maria de Camargos Cunha, or Dona Rosita, now 86 years old, who was visiting Campos do Jordão (SP) in the 70s when she realized that there were no street children. A Franciscan friar assisted and cared for children in social vulnerability. After this moment, Dona Rosita began planning, together with a group of prayers, a house that would come to attend children and underprivileged youth in Uberlândia.

The House has stood out by integrating school reinforcement and extracurricular activities, building knowledge more attractively through pedagogical games, health, body hygiene, reading and writing, poetry and culture, which are applied to obtain students’ attention for teaching-learning.

The institution provides assistance to 160 children and adolescents aged 6 to 14 years outside of school, with activities that stimulate physical, emotional and socio-affective development in a continuous and integrated way, observing individual differences, through projects.


        • Foot of Moleque: Ballet;
        • Beach Club Project: Promotes various sports for children in situations of social vulnerability;
        • Mothers’ Club: Handicrafts: They have a bazaar with products donatedgiven and others made by the “Mothers Club”;
        • Other Projects: They also offer school reinforcement, dentist and dance and arts activities;