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Ação Moradia is a non-profit philanthropic institution that since 1993 works to develop community ties, promoting education and culture for families in socially vulnerable situations located in the Morumbi region in Uberlândia.


Currently, 234 children are assisted daily and 440 adults are being qualified for the job market.


Music in Action: Project that seeks social empowerment through music teaching and democratization of access to culture in the periphery. Workshops are offered for handling various instruments for children and adolescents from 06 to 15 years old. In their various formats, the workshops function as a source of inspiration and learning for the formation of our band, Banda Ação Moradia.

Som(os)afro!: In partnership with the Municipal Secretariat of Culture of the Municipality of Uberlândia, the project started in 2018 with the objective of encouraging young people from the community to (re)discover the Afro-Brazilian sound as an instrument of empowerment, appreciation of black identity and fight against racism.

2E: Undertaking and Empowering: With the support of private organizations, the 2E Project aims to enhance micro-enterprises in the food sector, based on two requirements: they must be managed by women from the Greater Morumbi region and they must be in the process of development.

Solidarity Exchange Fair: In order to promote and enhance the Community in Action Program, Ação Moradia started to organize Solidarity Exchange Fairs, in order to circulate social currencies and increase the purchasing power of the beneficiary community. Donated food, cleaning products, clothes, furniture, toys and appliances are offered.

Happy Child: In addition to welcoming these children, pedagogical activities are carried out in order to contribute to their integral development;

Community in Action: The program combines two demands: combating hunger and social misery and, on the other hand, the need for manpower within the Institution. In this way, people from the community itself volunteer at the Institution, for 12 hours a week, in the most diverse activities. Volunteers receive a basic monthly food basket and social coins, to be spent at Solidarity Exchange Fairs.

Center for Training and Strengthening of Bonds: With the aim of promoting coexistence and strengthening bonds with children and adolescents aged 6 to 15 years, the Center for Child Training provides socio-educational activities after school hours, such as musicalization, performing and visual arts , dance, information technology, theater, cooking, martial arts and so on.

Training and Motivation for Instructors: It aims to train and motivate the instructors of the Children’s Training Center, with regard to the development of skills and abilities necessary to transmit knowledge effectively.

Promoting Integration into the World of Work: Promotes the integration of young people and adults into the world of work, courses take place from Monday to Friday, in the most diverse areas of activity: aesthetics and beauty, handicrafts, cooking, information technology, organic gardening and many others, serving hundreds of young people and adults in the community. through projects and programs.