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We aim to promote peace, love, solidarity, well-being, human rights, and education through humanizing activities such as sports, culture, educational activities, and socialization.


  • Social Action: Daycare for Working Mothers (São Gonçalo – Ipiiba) – Passion for a Mission (São Gonçalo – Salgueiro) Nursing Homes (Rio de Janeiro) / Luciano Institute – Pedra de Guaratiba / Historic Houses – (Catete) / Landfill (Magé) / Distribution of Perishable Foods / Dinner for People in Homeless Situations / Distribution of Basic Food Baskets;

  • Sports: Alpha Football School (Dona Marta – Botafogo) – Football School (Borel) Mario’s Football Academy (Maré) – Squash School (Glória) – Gymnastics and Zumba – Well-being and Leisure;

  • Education: Partnership with Estácio de Sá University / Eleva Group Partnership / Unibta College Partnership / Cultura Inglesa Partnership / Various Courses and Workshops for Young Apprentices / English and Spanish Classes / Donation of Electronic Equipment;

  • Culture: Maestro Roger Henri Project / Ilana Project / Distribution of Books / Support for Community Libraries / Distribution of Theater and Cinema Tickets;

  • Health: Donation of Medicines to Communities / Partnership with Popular Clinics / Donation of Wheelchairs, Crutches, and Hospital Beds.