Formally established in the year 2000, the organization set up its operations in the Guaiapó residential complex, considering the current priority, which focuses on weekly lectures for more than 123 assisted families. There is a strong emphasis on Christian morality and the comprehensive development of children and adolescents, with a particular focus on providing pathways to the job market through projects for young apprentices.
- Family Assistance: Monthly distribution of food baskets, milk, vegetables, and fruits, as well as the distribution of clothes and furniture when the organization receives donations.
- Pre-Apprenticeship: The pre-apprenticeship program involves guidance from professionals within the organization, family support, and initiatives aimed at personal development. This project serves as a prerequisite for entry into the apprenticeship program also developed by the organization.
- Youth Apprentice: The apprenticeship project takes place when the apprentice, duly enrolled in a vocational institution and at Lins de Vasconcellos, is hired as an apprentice employee and carries out activities through the apprenticeship contract.
- Service of Social Interaction and Strengthening of Bonds: Its main guideline is to complement social protection for families by providing direct support to children, adolescents, and their families, primarily beneficiaries of the Bolsa Família Program, linked to or emerging from programs and services of Special Social Protection. Complementing social work with the family, it aims to prevent the occurrence of situations of social risk and strengthen family and community coexistence.
- Temporary Courses: Prevention lectures and direct treatment actions on pediculosis and scabies, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), and annual psoriasis campaigns specifically targeted for the children served and their families.