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Established in 2017 by a group of mothers and professionals, the Instituto Pipa a Voar provides educational support in small groups for children and young people with intellectual disabilities or difficulties in the learning process. The goal is to promote their physical, intellectual, and emotional development.


  • Playful learning and expression workshops: In a stimulating environment, the action aims to support the child in their understanding of the world, facilitating the acquisition of age-appropriate concepts. Activities are designed for gradual success, encouraging stimulation, and fostering belief in the possibility of learning. They include reading and writing, oral expression, plastic and craft expression, calculation and challenges, singing and rhythm, body expression, games, and play.
  • Pipinha: Focused on children aged 2 to 6, development activities are carried out through playful and enjoyable activities, seeking the partnership of the family or caregivers to support their actions to integrate educational activities carried out in workshops and family, in order to enhance development possibilities in cognitive, communicational, and motor areas.
  • Meeting with Young People: Created at Pipa to serve as a space for listening to young people with disabilities, discovering their needs, and organizing experiences to deepen topics. It aims to create teaching strategies integrated with the theme developed in events and outings and promote collective organization and visits to places of interest to them, in the job market or leisure places. Group activities seek to prospect interests and talents for later referral to specific courses or support in the search for professional roles.
  • Psychic Development Assessment: Psychic assessment should be understood as the evaluation of functions and possible alterations of will, attention, memory, language, logical thinking, as well as the expression of emotions and feelings, indicating altered or insufficient capacity for development of each. This investigation seeks to understand the integration and harmony of the personality, focusing primarily on positive and enhancing development processes.